How to Install HiNotes App?

How to Install HiNotes App?

Install HiNotes in a few seconds — directly from your browser. This app is available on Windows (with Chrome or Edge), macOS (with Chrome), iOS (with Chrome) and Android (with Chrome) . Simply follow below guide to install it.


Install HiNotes on Your Computer with Chrome

  1. On your computer, open Chrome
  2. Go to
  3. At the top right of the address bar, click Install icon

Download the HiNotes


4. Follow the onscreen instructions to install HiNotes.

Install the HiNotes

5. After installation, it will be as below, you can open and use it as an App.

Install the HiNotes


Install HiNotes on Your iPhone/iPad

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome.
  2. Go to
  3. At the top right of the address bar, tap Share.

Install HiNotes on iPhone or iPad

4. Find and tap Add to Home Screen.

Add HiNotes to Home Screen

5. Confirm or edit the website details and tap Add.

Confirm and Add Tap

6. The HiNotes App is saved to your iPhone/iPad, you can open it from the home screen.

Add HiNotes to Home Screen


Install HiNotes on Your Android Phone

  1. On your Android device, open Chrome
  2. Go to
  3. Find and tap Add to Home Screen.

Install HiNotes on Your Android Phone

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Add HiNotes to Home Screen on Android Phone

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